Fuseki.netPlay from here for Slay the Spire
Slaye the spire is a deterministic game with hidden information. One of the most interesting games ever.
Use case I want:
- Be watching a streamer
- they're about to start a fight
- pause the video
- copy a code down from the screen into your own StS instance locally
- pick up their game at that very point, with the same deck, random seed, etc
- play the fight the way you would yourself
- try repeatedly
- then go back and unpause the stream and see how you did compared to a pro.
This would be epic.
Analogies in other games?
- this sort of works for chess & go vs ai, but there are some problems
- the ai is too good
- it's a huge pain to copy the entire board state out to play through yourself. that's a blocker for 99% of casual attempts to do this.