Tag: ideas

1491, by Charles C. Mann526Saturday, Dec 28 2019
1984 part 21279Monday, Dec 30 2019
A Real Reality Show I'd Like to Watch3580Monday, Jan 06 2020
A big difference between go and chess1952Wednesday, Jul 14 2021
A restaurant which prepares the perfect dish for you1275Monday, Dec 23 2019
A sound recording device I want1033Monday, Dec 23 2019
A system for symbolic house numbers915Saturday, Dec 28 2019
A way Astrology could be Real2036Friday, Dec 27 2019
A world with weird selection pressures1606Monday, Dec 23 2019
Absolute vs Relative Truth6502Saturday, Jul 31 2021
Alternative Go Handicap Systems2740Saturday, Dec 28 2019
An Evil Test of Clickthrough Licenses979Monday, Dec 23 2019
Appearance Variation is useful for detecting Cuckoldry2003Friday, Feb 28 2020
Art City Ideas225Tuesday, Dec 31 2019
Banks in tower defense games would make a killing1422Monday, Dec 23 2019
Books about Chinese history in English should translate Chinese names in a better way4533Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Bowling Golf305Monday, Dec 23 2019
Cap and Trade for Vegetarians2916Monday, Dec 23 2019
Chess Rules Irregularities23006Thursday, Aug 19 2021
Continuous Reproduction1983Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Counters for Mythical Animals315Saturday, Dec 28 2019
Countries should Trade Land, and create more social & legal experiments like Hong Kong3361Wednesday, Feb 26 2020
Crystal Express, by Bruce Sterling518Monday, Dec 23 2019
DIY Sport Olympics2719Saturday, Dec 28 2019
Danger per second888Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Dual-n-back experiments2531Monday, May 31 2021
Duplicate Poker1746Monday, Dec 23 2019
EV Poker2457Tuesday, Feb 11 2020
English Teaching Activities9870Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Every time James Bond dodges a bullet in this universe, he dies a little on average1175Monday, Dec 23 2019
Extension of chat for community game sites5530Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Fair Scoring Rules1694Monday, Jan 06 2020
Fan Commentary on Sports Broadcasts3993Thursday, Dec 26 2019
Fans Should come up with Real Names for Stadiums, Nor Corporate Names735Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Free Startup Ideas920Tuesday, Aug 10 2021
Freeform Weightlifting Olympics4093Tuesday, Aug 10 2021
Frek and the Elixir by Rudy Rucker516Monday, Dec 23 2019
Fun / Vindictive Games5111Monday, Dec 23 2019
Genetic Alliances1452Sunday, Jun 06 2021
Go-moku Variants1540Saturday, Dec 28 2019
Gravity Bias in Go798Monday, Dec 23 2019
Group Activities2586Monday, Dec 23 2019
Hand Models should have Standardized Size Hands69Saturday, Feb 08 2020
Hometown Sportsmen1271Monday, Dec 23 2019
Hostages, Bargaining, and Credibility3441Monday, Dec 23 2019
How much hair do you grow in a day652Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Human Embodiments of Literary Characters1069Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Human Physiology and Detective Stories9635Sunday, Jun 06 2021
Index1531Monday, Jan 20 2020
Infinite Deck Poker Hand Rankings2201Monday, Dec 23 2019
Interchangeability of Utility1278Monday, Dec 23 2019
Is there poker card order bias?926Monday, Dec 23 2019
Jigsaw Puzzle Olympics1223Saturday, Dec 28 2019
Levels of Sports & Morality4348Sunday, Jun 06 2021
Life doesn't Find a Way1940Monday, May 31 2021
Lost Science Fiction Stories5435Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Monotasters3017Sunday, Mar 29 2020
New Meetup Type Ideas1066Friday, Jan 17 2020
Percentage Terminology2903Tuesday, Feb 11 2020
Play from here for Slay the Spire770Saturday, Mar 13 2021
Playing Card Power Cycling1452Monday, Dec 23 2019
Proposal for Chinese Name Reformation4015Monday, Dec 23 2019
Real Effects of Astrology2694Monday, Dec 23 2019
Ridiculous Goals1411Monday, Dec 23 2019
Saturn's Children by Charles Stross765Monday, Dec 23 2019
Selection for Liking Cloning3234Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Simultaneous Go752Monday, Dec 23 2019
Social Prediction2026Monday, Jan 06 2020
Spaceland by Rudy Rucker274Monday, Dec 23 2019
Split the world game575Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Sports Variants886Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Stoplight Theory1251Thursday, Jan 02 2020
Story Idea - Sequential Cloning1095Sunday, Jun 06 2021
Strong Commitments2203Monday, Dec 23 2019
Tewari Analysis in Real Life2688Sunday, Mar 29 2020
The Counting Olympics723Saturday, Dec 28 2019
The Distance Olympics1732Tuesday, Dec 31 2019
The Hong Kong/Mainland milk powder controversy4397Monday, Dec 23 2019
The Pinkie Mandate of Heaven1507Monday, Dec 23 2019
There is Randomness in Chess1839Thursday, Sep 30 2021
This is a Late 90s Style Homepage3228Monday, Dec 23 2019
Time Based Settings on Phones448Monday, Dec 23 2019
Timing Olympics2320Sunday, Mar 29 2020
Transhumans have low credibility8251Monday, Dec 23 2019
Transplantism468Monday, Dec 23 2019
US Sports Should Adopt a Promotion/Relegation System5114Monday, Dec 23 2019
Unknown Time Remaining In Media1496Monday, Dec 23 2019
Unremovable Locks138Monday, Dec 23 2019
Weixin (aka WeChat) is an interesting new communication medium3907Monday, Dec 23 2019
What if China were not unified?1729Monday, Dec 23 2019
Which type of variation would you choose1652Monday, Jan 20 2020
World Records2004Monday, Dec 23 2019