Fuseki.net90s homepage creation software
This website is generated and updated by this code:
- Edit articles
- Publish static files of the articles
- Upload images
- Add images to a page
Technical description
- C# dotnetcore application
- db: Sqlite
- backend: nginx
- Configuration: nearly none
- Development: Visual Studio
How it works
- Edit Articles
- When done, 'publish'
- Click "publish all"
- This generates a bunch of static files and syncs them to a folder exposed to a web server
- Done
- Minimal effort editing
- Non-time-based articles
Conceptual Goal
- For a given famous idea person's twitter, rather than having thousands of sequential tweets in a list, have them as a cloud with related tweets (through tags) naturally linking to each other.
- For a single person, it's equivalent to twitter except that each tweet would fit into a large idea space where closeness implies relatedness
- For multiple people, you'd jump between websites.
Soon TODO:
- starring of articles? But maybe just a tag "todo" is enough.
- https support
- keyboard shortcuts for edit
- sorting by recency in table
- right-aligned images / text flowing around images
- mobile view
- Better image formatting
- Better default CSS
- Weigh autogenerated links according to link rarity, not number
- Various fancy highlighting things for js - when you hover tag X, other instances of it subtly are highlighted
- Can I add search easily? Or just add a "search on google" form to every page with +site:host.com
- All tags list
- RSS feed of new/changed articles
- Display edit/creation date
- Versioning/history
- Comments for members
- Genericize it and have a complete installation flow - maybe too much
- No links on single-instance tags
- Tag autocompletion
- WYSIWYG editing
- internal link autocomplete while editing
- Detection of dead internal links
- Image thumbnail creation / image inlining properties
- Random page button - how to do in pure js?
- Force normalize everything
- Force lowercase all tags
- Existing tag deduplication - one-time pass
- Port over leela zero analysis stuff from twitter
- auto-suggest tags based on article contents? Some kind of similarity measure? So you'd have "have you considered adding these tags" in addition to autocomplete for tags
- Some discontinuity in how I render articles between admin view and published view. How to structure that so that changes would show up identically between them? Mainly for related articles view.
- link backs from admin view of an article to "view live"
- publish "dirty" module - when edit, set "needs publishing" and clear it when published. Also views/filters for "you are about to publish these changes"
- Favicon
- What does a full CD look like, and do I even want it? Check in to git, and have git actions publish to the site? That would be kind of cool but not actually save much time.
Bigger extensions
- Browser plugin / program. Screenshot => upload image => inline it in draft and visit page.
- ultimate way to copy content and comment on it, with links
- Also post to twitter automatically
- Autogenerated tags based on content
- Consume someone's twitter feed and generate a 90s homepage idea cloud with tags for it. i.e. for Taleb you'd have a dense set of ideas with autolinks to related ideas.
- Retweets/replies would be separate, and would go to someone else's ideal cloud.
- distinguish clicked links