Sports Variants
Changing the rules of traditional games:
Height Limit Basketball / Weigh Limit American Football.
- Teams have a set total height / weight maximum, and can't have more than that on the floor at any time.
- variants include with / without limits on number of players on the field at any one time.
Continuous Time Basketball / NFL
- The clock never stops (except for delay of game) - make it like soccer.
- 20 min/quarter
- This would basically be the same game, but the end would be a lot smoother
Volleyball with no player limit
- You could have so many players that the ball wouldn't be able to hit the ground
- But they'd get in each other's way quite a bit.
- What is the optimal number of players?
Additive win differential
- no time limit; game is over when one side is winning by N points
- or, you win when you have at least 20 points and are winning by N